
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Food: Bites from Southern Living Magazine

Though you don't necessarily see it on my blog, I have been shooting more than ever before. The rate at which stories are produced, edited, processed, and turned in to the grid to be put into production is dizzying. The pace is certainly different from the freelance life!

Here are some of my favorites from the past little while. I hope you enjoy....

From a series called "Quick Fix Suppers" - these, from the September issue.

Some images - like these - have plentiful empty space for copy in the layout. Below is the way these apple hand pies ran in print -

Here is another kind of work I often produce. Shot on white, they are cut from the background and dropped into one or another layout....

Here's another from the QFS series, which ran in October's issue. We did two versions - which do you prefer?

Some recipes are available online, like thisthis, and this. And, this and this! Search SL online if something intrigues you here and you want to find out more. :)

Here is another story which ran in September's issue. My favorites -

These are part of a brunch story. The veggie hash recipe is here, and the fantastic breakfast pizza (who knew?!), here.

Maybe by now you're hungry. That means we've done our job well.....

Look for more of my work at the magazine, soon. November's issue and Christmas (yes, already) are *right* around the corner!

And..... please look out for more personal work. I realize more now than ever how precious my own voice is, even in the midst of producing impressive and varied work for one of the longest-running magazines around. Stay tuned. xxx


  1. You sure have done your job! Every dish looks so delicious. I just ate, but I feel hungry again. Beautiful photos.

  2. Amazing! I want to eat it all and hang those pics in my kitchen wall

  3. I have so much fun following what a real bona fide food photographer does for a magazine. It looks like the ultimate job to me. Of the Hot Dog photos, I like the bottom one. Of the meatball soup photo, I like the top one. It will be so interesting to see what others say. Love seeing the insight into your job, thank you for taking the time!
